Friday, April 30, 2010

Starting on week 4!!!

April 30th, 2010 - 107 days until Wedding

I can hardly believe that I am working on my last week of 1 month of my journey to fabulous. Crazy how time flies, and I know I said this before but thank god I started this 3 weeks ago and not now. Yesterday I slipped on the pair of black work pants that had jumped started this whole thing 3 weeks ago. I remember slipping them on that wondrous day and thinking, "holy crap when did these become spandex tight!". It was a wake up call to me and since then I have not looked back. When I slipped those pants on I was a little nervous. I don't think I could handle them still being super tight. I was pleasantly surprised! They fit perfectly and I even wore them to school!
So as you all know, yesterday was my weigh in day. In my past endeavors to lose weight, week three is usually where I give up because it seems to be when everything comes to a halt. It's always the first weigh in where the scale disagrees with me. I was so nervous to step on it that I almost tried to pull the I forgot card which everyone would know was a lie due to my love hate relationship with the scale. I took a deep breath and stepped on..... and I nearly fell over when I saw that I was down!!! That's right I broke the curse. I was down only 1/2 a pound but who the hell cares, I was still down! That would be a grand total of 6.5 lbs.
I've got 2 weeks left until I head off to Toronto to try on my wedding dress for the first time since I bought it. My goal was to be down 10 lbs by then and I am super positive that I will make it! 3.5 to go and 2 weeks to do it. Great goal to help keep me motivated. Being down this week was definitely the bulldozer I needed to knock down that brick wall and keep me moving forwards.
I know the only way i am going to keep things going is by adding in more physical activity. I need to make this a habit again and it's going to take some battles with myself to achieve this. I know the weather is going to be crappy this weekend but I am determined to get some sort of activity in both days. I'm thinking of heading up to the gymnastics club and working through my girls warm up and conditioning regime that takes about 45 min. I know I will be dead by the end but it will be a great way to start getting back into shape. If anyone is interested in coming up with me just let me know and we can struggle through it together!


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