Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am ALIVE and going STRONG

May 26th, 2010 - 81 days until Wedding

OK so I'm guessing you all believe that I have given up and that is why you haven't seen any of my ultra amusing posts lately. WELL YOU ARE WRONG. Life got really busy and I had to give up my obsessive posting for just a little while. I have been on track (except this past weekend) and moving full force toward my goal. The last time I left you all I was about to take off for Toronto to visit my lovely wedding gown.
Well, not that it should be a surprise to any of you, it was too big! Yup that's right! It was just as beautiful as I remember it, and once they clipped me super tight into it, I had a great idea as to how I am going to look in August.
As they were clipping me into the dress, and squeezing every last ounce of air out of my body, I started to get a little worried. If I gain a single pound between now and July 14th (my next fitting) I will never get back into that dress.
Besides my giant falter this weekend ( I am only human people!) I have been doing great. Still no battery for my scale (Red Lake sucks for shopping) but I have had the chance to jump on when I was at my parents house last week and ...... drum roll please! Down a total of 8lbs. I am so happy with myself and even though I ate like it was the end of the world this past weekend, I know that I can get back on track asap and keep moving down that scale. It's such a great feeling, knowing that I have come this far already. I am slacking in the workout department, but now that I no longer work on weekends I can devote those two days to making me beautiful time. If anyone would like to join me at any point in this fabulous journey, remember it is never too late. Summer season is fast approaching and the ever so tiny bikini that is staring back at you in the closet can and will look fabulous if you just take that first step. So get off your lazy ass, get in contact with me, and we can do this together!!

Until next time, my fabulous followers


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I didn't realize how hard it was until I did it!

May 4th, 2010 - 103 days until Wedding

My body is still hurting from Sunday, but in a good way. I decided it was a good idea to head up to the gym and attempt to get myself back into shape. I was dead set on completing the competitive gymnasts warm up and conditioning program even if it killed me. Well I can honestly say I thought that I was going to die right there on the floor. 10 min into the warm up and I was sweating so badly that it was actually dripping into my eyes. As much as I was not exactly enjoying the torture I was putting my body through, it felt good to be challenging myself again. By the time I was done the warm up part my abs were so tired I wasn't sure I would be able to get up off the floor. I pushed myself to complete the conditioning lines as well and knew that I was going to be hurting in the days to come. Well it's Tuesday and I am still having a hard time standing up straight. My abs are burning, my traps and killing me and my chest feels like someone jumped on it repeatedly, BUT it feels good to know that I survived and I definitely know I gave myself a good workout.
I need to get back up there a couple more times this week to go through the same routine and hopefully add in a bit more. It would be great if I could get back into the shape I was in during my gymnastics days, everyone loves to have a six pack to show off.
Well week four is slowly coming to an end and currently our scale is not working. The batteries are dead in it and if we can't get replacements in town, I will have to put my weigh in for the week off until I can get to a scale. I will keep you updated on this situation.
I'm getting a little nervous about trying on my dress next week. I hope I like what I see when I look in the giant tell all three way mirror. I know it's time to pick up the pace on the whole getting back in shape thing and I plan on getting in a killer workout both days this weekend. If you are interested in sweating your ass off literally then let me know and you can join me up at the gym. Just a warning that I did swear quite a lot last week while completing this workout so it is not for the light hearted. If you are looking for a challenge, something to jump start your program or shake things up, this is the workout for you. If you don't believe me, take a look at the wicked 8 pack abs my little gymnasts are walking around with.