Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I need of a serving of motivation

April 28th, 2010 - 109 days until Wedding

I'm not sure what has happened, but this morning I feel like I have run into a giant brick wall face first. I'm sitting at my desk doing everything possible to avoid planning for the day. I seem to just be in a stuck position at the moment and need to find the motivation to get up and climb over that giant brick wall so I can keep moving down the path to fabulous. Who the hell would build a brick wall on a path anyways? I need to make a change in my routine to help get me through this. I know it has only been about 3 weeks but my attention span is about as big as my students in grade 5/6. If I get bored it will be very easy for me to give up. I'm not sure why I am lacking the motivation to get off my ass and do something. It's not like I want to be inside on the couch, I have actually been spending my few spare moments out on my deck enjoying the sun. I need to change up this routine and instead of enjoying the sun in my lounge chair, I need to enjoy it while doing something active. My mind has been playing games on me, and doing a very good job of convincing me to just sit and take a break during the hour I have between jobs.
I need help! I can't keep doing this or I will never reach my goal. I wish we had a gym that was open 24 hours here in the bush. I miss the days that I could head to the gym after a night of coaching. I was just as tired then as I am now but once I got to the gym I felt 100% better. I keep trying to motivate myself to get something started by not allowing my finger to press that oh so easy checkout button on some of my favorite online shopping sites. "Not until you reach 10 lbs" I tell myself, and usually that is an easy motivator as I am highly addicted to shopping. But this time around it does not seem to be working. My eating has been great all week but I still don't feel good. I know I need to get out and do something, it's just a matter of finding the strength and motivation to get me up and over that friggin brick wall. Maybe I need a bulldozer?


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