Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Bye Old Friend

April 8th, 2010 - 128 days until Wedding

The first thing I would like to do before I start this journey is to thank the one who has inspired me to do this. Her name is Alexa Fleming, and even though we don't know each other too well, she is the beautiful wife of my future husbands best friend. She created a blog to document her journey to becoming "built" and after following her progress this far I have been inspired to take the same steps as her and put it all down for anyone who is interested to read.

They say if you write something down, it makes you more accountable for your actions. I bet if you post it for the whole world to see, it makes you locked in for life! Nobody wants to fail at something in front of their friends, family and peers.

So here we go, this is it! Good bye fat ass and hello fabulous. Now I know from past experience this is going to be one hell of a wild trip but I have so many things in life I want to accomplish and being a fat girl is not one of them!!!


My dear friend the carb we must go our separate ways yet again. It seems we are not good for each other and being together only makes the other one unhappy. I must have a clean break from you, please do not write or call as it will be too hard on both of us. This will be a hard addiction to break considering I can not give up my morning skinny latte. I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror this morning before heading down the stairs. A sort of pep talk silently to myself. I opened the fridge and tossed out those terrible things that have been taunting me for the last week or so. I turned to my last homemade muffin on the counter and shed one small tear as I turned it down for our usual breakfast date.

Now just so any of you who are out there waiting for me to slip up, just be aware that I refuse at this point to give up my skinny latte as well as my morning fruit. This could change if things don't go well but until then let me savour my tiny moment with my devilish friend in the morning.

Like I have said before this will be a long journey but right now I've got five weeks until my first wedding dress fitting, and we all know hoe unforgiving those three way mirrors and measuring tapes can be. So if you like you can join me on my journey and stay posted on my updates OR you can too get your butt in gear and be my partner along the way. My students in school always say "Strength in numbers!"


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